Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lab 7: Census 2000/2010

This map makes it clear that a large percent of the Black population in the United States in located in the Southeast in states such as Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. The legend shows that the darker in color an area is, the higher the population of the Black community there is living there. This is probably due to historical events that took place that created a Black diaspora in those areas. From looking at the map, it is clear that as Blacks continue living in these areas, there is a spread to other surrounding states as they continue to move to other neighboring states.

Compared to the first map, the Asian population isn't as heavily dense in particular areas. There is some density on the west coast in California, Washington and Oregon as well as some spread around the east coast. This may be because the proximity of Asia to North America on the west coast. From immigrating to the United States, the states on the west coast are closer to Asia and are therefore more likely to be a home for many Asian populations.

The "other" population would include such races as Europeans, South Americans, Latin America, and many others. These populations are seen densely populated on the southern border such as Texas and Arizona. From observing this map it is assumed that Hispanics are categorized as other and these populations are heavily spread in Southern United States closer to the Mexico border.

These census are a way to see where certain populations of people live. From there, it can be further investigated as to why these races live in these certain parts of the United States as well as other parts of the world. It would be better to be able to break up these populations such as the Asian population as many different cultures make up "Asia" and many of them are even more dispersed based on which part of Asia they are from. This can also be done of the other category in order to get a better understanding of where people live.

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