Monday, May 21, 2012

Lab 6: Digital Elevation Models in GIS

                The area that I have chosen for my digital elevation model is located around the Lower Pitt-Taylor Reservoir in Nevada. The frame that was used has the coordinates: 39.8452 for the top edge, 39.4416 for the bottom, -118.3163 for the left, and -117.74083 for the right edge. This map was created referencing the North American Datum of 1983. The DEM shows the elevation of the mountainous terrain as well as the slope and aspect of the terrain. The aspect shows the steepness of the given surface area. The lab also shows a 3D model of the terrain which helps visualize the terrain instead of seeing it on a flat 2-D surface.
                Being able to see the different gradients of the DEM made it easier to see the elevation for the terrain as well as the slope surface of it. By exploring the different features of the program, I was able to learn about the surface of the area I chose.

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