Friday, April 13, 2012

Lab 1 - Maps

Map #1

This map shows the the access to improved water sources in the world from 2004. From this map you can easily see which areas of the world have access to clean water and which countries need improvements in their water quality. This map is interesting because, from the percentage of improved water sources in certain countries, it can be further investigated why this is the case for that country whether it is within their government to fix these problems or if it is a matter of environmental conflicts. 

Map #2

This map show the states of the USA and the percentage of obese adults within the particular state. What is interesting about this map is that, most people consider America to be obese but in this map, you can see which states in particular are suffering from this health problem. Also from this, you can further investigate the causes for these states with higher percentages of obese adults and what their health regulations are for that state. From investigating this information, it can be used to conclude what are the causes for these differences in percentages. 

Map #3

This map depicts the amount of crimes within a state per 100,000 residents in 2004. From what it seems, California has an alarmingly high amount of crime rates in comparison to other state but it should also be considered that California is also home to much more residents than other states. In this way, maps can also be misleading if the information that you are seeking is not carefully researched. Despite any misconceptions that may come from the information provided, this map is interesting because it shows how much more crime is being committed in other states within America and it can also be researched as to why these states are seeing more crimes than others. 

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